The Importance of Initiative in Business!

Sep 02, 2021

Initiative is the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what to do.

It requires resilience and determination.

People who show initiative demonstrate they can think for themselves and take action when necessary.

Initiative is a self-management skill, and self-management is one of five key life and work skills for Young Professionals.

When you use your initiative you do things without being asked, solve problems that others may not have noticed needed solving, and go out of your way to continue learning and growing.

Here are nine ways to take initiative at work:
  1. Be proactive. 
  2. Find opportunities for improvement. 
  3. Voice your ideas. 
  4. Be decisive. 
  5. Improve systems, procedures and policies. 
  6. Address and prevent problems. 
  7. Be prepared for meetings. 
  8. Anticipate questions and prepare answers.

Taking initiative on certain projects establishes you as a valuable team member at work, and may lead to future success. 

By taking initiative in a job, it demonstrates self-confidence and shows that you are willing to put in the hard work necessary to improve your professional life or personal life. 

Initiatives are high-level efforts that you will complete in order to achieve each goal.

When you establish initiatives, you are simply specifying the broad areas of work that need to be accomplished in order to reach the goals and deliver against the larger strategy that has been set.

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