Passion, Purpose & Impact in Business!

Jan 24, 2022

Passion is the fuel that inspires and drives people toward specific goals, no matter how unlikely or difficult they might be.

It generates the enthusiasm needed to plough through the biggest obstacles and overcome the most intractable challenges.

It inspires loyalty, teamwork, hard work, and, eventually, success.

Being passionate gives you a powerful edge that you can use to stay one step ahead of your competitors.  

Purpose is the reason, or the why behind what we do, primarily for others, i.e, “do what contributes.”

Where passion can be all over the place, wild and exciting, purpose is much more focused.

Purpose is where we find meaning—what we want to do and contribute.

Purpose certainly can be linked to your job or career, but many people don't find their purpose in their work.

Impact can help create systemic, sustainable change and it also drives value creation for an organization.

Impact enables organizations to account for their social performance, value their contribution to society and generate greater credibility with stakeholders such as customers and suppliers.

Business can positively influence how society operates. It can build and maintain social capital through its core operations; the goods and services it provides; and the activities supported through increasingly global and complex supply chains.

When you keep purpose over profit, you succeed in the long-term.

To summarize, keep passion over profit, keep purpose over profit, and people over profit to excel as a successful entrepreneur and make a positive impact in society.

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