Pursuing Purpose in Business!

Nov 16, 2021

Why is life purpose important?

Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning.

For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work. For others, their purpose lies in their responsibilities to their family or friends.

Purpose is where we find meaning—what we want to do and contribute.

Purpose certainly can be linked to your job or career, but many people don't find their purpose in their work. And even if it is linked, purpose is broader than just a job.

To find your purpose, you must decide what's truly right, and know it in your heart and soul.

You must not let yourself be driven by fear or anxiety.

A decision made from fear is always the wrong decision. It will not help you understand “What is my purpose?” but instead confuse the issue even more.

Purpose-driven business's  make more money, have more engaged employees and more loyal customers, and are even better at innovation and transformational change. 

Companies with a strong sense of purpose are able to transform and innovate better.

The purpose of a business is to offer value (through products and/or services) to customers, who pay for the value with cash or equivalents

Minimally, the money received should fund the costs of operating the business as well as provide for the life needs of the proprietor.

Finding your life purpose creates a sense of meaning in your life. You know what you love to do, what you are good at, and how you can contribute to the world.

Finding a sense of meaning to life gives you a sense of place. When you have found your purpose, it is easier to know where you belong.

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