Embracing Optimism in Business!
Aug 14, 2021An antidote to chronic stress is cultivating an optimistic mindset — and it serves us well over the course of our careers.
In a new study It’s found that when it comes to money, optimists are more likely to make smart moves and reap the benefits.
Optimism Helps People Succeed.
When something goes wrong, optimists link it to a specific situation or event, not their capabilities.
Because they don't view setbacks as personal failings, optimists are able to bounce back from disappointment better than pessimists.
Optimism does not mean ignoring reality.
In our work, we define optimism as the expectation of good things to happen, and the belief that behavior matters, especially in the face of challenges.
A rational optimist is able to see reality for what it is, while maintaining the belief that actions can improve the situation.
This solution-focused mindsetpropels positive action.
Optimism, however, opens us up to new ideas, new experiences and new possibilities.
It frees us up to consider new options and change our businesses, and lives, for the better.
It helps us look to the future and create expansive, evolving realities.
Optimism is linked to resilience.
Adopting a positive outlook while wrestling with your inner pessimist can tangible benefits, including better performance in business, better health and improved quality of life.
The benefits of optimism
- More happiness. As expected, optimists report being happier in life.
- More positive emotions and better relationships. Optimists have a more positive mood and morale, more vitality, a sense of mastery, and high self-regard.
- Fewer negative emotions.
- Better health.
- Better coping.
Optimism isn't an all-encompassing solution, but it can prompt you to lead with empathy and ask, “How can l help this person to have a better day?”
Imagine the richness of opportunities and sense of hope you can bring to the workplace every day with that outlook.
Resources by :
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.entrepreneur.com/amphtml/352905 and https://www.google.com/amp/s/hbr.org/amp/2019/03/the-financial-upside-of-being-an-optimist
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