Top 5 benefits of being Coachable!

Aug 12, 2021

What does it mean to be coachable?

A person who is coachable not only responds well when given feedback, they ask for feedback.

They view the input from others as a valuable tool in their development.

They also are willing to take actions and make personal changes based on the feedback.

Becoming coachable allows you to take an objective look at your strengths an weaknesses in all areas of your life.

Having this skill will help you when listening to feedback from your coach, allowing you to enhance your training and improving your ability to change.

What is coachability?

Coachability is an individual’s propensity to develop self-awareness, be open to change and learn new things.

When someone is coachable, they:

  • Do not get defensive when people suggest alternatives
  • Invite and appreciate feedback
  • Keep challenging themselves
  • Openly and comfortably discuss their strengths and weaknesses
  • Handle failures well

With these qualities in mind, it is clear why coachability is a critical quality to seek out in business.

Coachability is not a technical skill or an inherent ability.

It is a mental attitude.

Top 5 Benefits of Being Coachable:

Greater cohesion with the team and/or coaches.

Accelerated learning. Deeper and more fulfilling relationships with your coaches.

Greater internal calm: Accepting criticism for what it is (INFORMATION) instead of what it isn't (AN ATTACK).

It is defined by your ability to be coached.

It is determined by your emotional ability to withstand the necessary constructive criticism and pressure from your coach.


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