Being a Leader

May 01, 2021


It can be easy to get caught up in the mass of what everybody else is doing. 

Especially, with the demand‘s of everyday hectic life and personal responsibilities, it’s just easier to go with the flow.

We can find ourselves jumping on trend’s because we don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb or be ostracized by our peer’s.

However, have you ever considered that your authenticity and identity is unique from everyone else’s? 

Here is were your ability to showcase your particular strength’s, gift’s and talents are strongly defined in the midst of just following the crowd.

Of course, there will be times when being a team player and having a mentor will come into your relational dimensions. But, your overall identity snd mindset set you apart from the crowd.

Yes! It’s okay to agree to disagree regarding relevant topic’s of life. And it’s also acceptable to understand someone’s perspective without actually executing their methodology.

You were born to be a leader and not a follower!

God say’s you are Fearfully and Wonderfully made! (PSALMS 139:14)

It takes courage to stand out from the crowd and choose to take on uncharted path’s. 

However, know your destiny & purpose is unique to who you are and not the crowd!


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