5 Tip’s on Building Rapport in Business!

Jul 27, 2021

Rapport is the ability to relate to others in a way that creates a level of trust and understanding.

It is important to build rapport with your client/colleague as it gets there unconscious mind to accept and begin to process your suggestions.

They are made to feel comfortable and relaxed-open to suggestions.

Rapport is a connection or relationship with someone else. It can be considered as a state of harmonious understanding with another individual or group.

Building rapport is the process of developing that connection with someone else.

Building rapport is critical in business. It's your tool for nurturing strong relationships while sharpening your capacity to influence others.

When you establish rapport, you're able to engage your team and customers on a human level where loyalty and connection occur.

How to build rapport:
  1. Find times to connect.
  2. Be friendly but genuine.
  3. Ask questions about the person's work, life or interests.
  4. Remember details from your conversation—especially their name.
  5. Build on previous conversation with follow-up questions.

 Developing rapport with others is a process.

Have a positive, open attitude. encourage an open exchange of communications (both verbal and unspoken) listen to verbal and unspoken communications.

Always share positive feedback.

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