De-Escalation Technique’s to Improve Business Relation’s!

Aug 07, 2021

As a small-business owner or manager, knowing how to de-escalate conflict can benefit your business in many ways.

De-escalation skills are critical not only to improving employee relationships but also to building customer loyalty.

De-escalation is one technique that can be used when confronted with violent or aggressive behavior.

De-escalation means “transferring your sense of calm and genuine interest in what the consumer wants to tell you by using respectful, clear, limit setting [boundaries].

By gleaning the truth of the situation, showing sympathy and empathy for those involved, sticking with “I” statements rather than accusatory “You” statements, and using a soft tone when speaking, you’re able to diffuse conflict among employees and maintain customer relationships.

7 tips for de-escalating a customer conflict:
  1. Stay calm. This is the first and maybe most important step. 
  2. Don't blame anyone. Don't blame the person by reciting company policies. 
  3. Get to the bottom of the problem. 
  4. Admit mistakes. 
  5. Break the news gently. 
  6. Strive to fix the issue. 
  7. Thank the person!

The number one purpose of de-escalation techniques is to calm everyone down and come to a resolution.

The second purpose is to avoid a potentially violent situation should someone get truly angry or act irrationally.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all de-escalation technique.

Every business needs to formulate its own strategies and techniques for handling issues and problems.


 Resources by: (small & (

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